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CEO Mark Pentecost, closed FREEDOM 2013 Conference with a mission for you. "Procrastination does not equal the destination. Do not lose your focus. No more excuses! This is your mission for 2013!" We dare you to say "BOOM!" It's time for an It Works! BOOM!

BOOM/noun & verb
1. A period of prosperity, growth; to increase greatly in wealth, happiness, health, fun, and FREEDOM!
2. A resounding noise or sound—rumble, roar, blare or blast—that lets the whole world know we are here!

When the world said you can't be successful in a bad economy, It Works! said BOOM. When the world said you can't outgrow your entire headquarters in one year, It Works! said BOOM. When the world said you can't tighten, tone, and firm in 45 minutes, It Works! said BOOM. When the world said you can't walk out of here today and actually change your life, It Works! said BOOM!

Say BOOM with us using the hashtag #ItWorksBOOM on Facebook and Twitter


WANTED: The first It Works! Black Diamond! For those of you who want to take it to a "whole 'notha level" in 2013, we have a new rank you can reach for, Black Diamond! The first It Works! Black Diamond will receive a $100,000 bonus, plus exclusive perks on behalf of CEO Mark Pentecost and Cindy Pentecost. This includes private jet time, a Florida vacation complete with shopping, golfing, relaxing at the beach, a day at Mark's ranch, amusement parks, and more! The first Black Diamond will also be the first person to have their name on our It Works! Walk of Fame at the new corporate headquarters. You'll receive a special Black Diamond keepsake and featured speaking opportunities at It Works! events. Who wants to be our first Black Diamond!?

Our goal is to help YOU Get Out Of Debt, so we brought back the G.O.O.D. Bonus with even more ways to earn extra money! Start building a new life for you and your family with the G.O.O.D. Bonus! Pay off credit card bills, student loans, and your mortgage or car payments. Ultimately, you will have a solid foundation to reach financial freedom with It Works!

$10,000: If you are an Emerald or below who enrolled prior to 2013 and become a Diamond by March 31, you'll receive the $10,000 G.O.O.D. Bonus!

If you enroll between January 1 - March 20, 2013, and earn the Diamond Rank within three full calendar months, you'll receive the $10,000 G.O.O.D. Bonus!

$25,000: Any distributor who earns the rank of Triple Diamond for the first time by March 31, may receive the $25,000 G.O.O.D. Bonus!

$50,000: Any distributor who earns the rank of Presidential Diamond for the first time by March 31, may receive the$50,000 G.O.O.D.

You can earn $5,000 for every new, qualified G.O.O.D. Bonus Distributor!

Could you use an extra $5,000? Every new Diamond that you personally enroll and qualifies for the G.O.O.D. Bonus will earn you a $5,000 High Five Bonus! That is extra money, on top of your It Works! compensation, to say thank you for being a dedicated It Works! team member. You can put it towards achieving your dreams! High five!

Please review the G.O.O.D. Bonus Official Rules for complete details. You must submit the G.O.O.D. Bonus Submission Form within ten days of qualifying for the promotion.

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